Hanging Out Tuesday’s Wash

* I’ve voted already. If you still don’t know by now who you’re voting for, then don’t bother, beause quite frankly you’re not smart enough to vote. You should also stay away from sharp objects and might want to avoid anything more intellectually rigorous than Family Guy.

* There are not a lot of artists whose new material I will buy on day one without regard for cost or preview. Bruce Springsteen, U2, Voice of the Beehive (and let’s face it, there’s not gonna be much more of that)…and now, the Killers. Based on the first two tracks on SNL, they have made The Leap. Day and Age drops November 22. Run, don’t walk.

* It’s remarkable what you’ll sit and watch in HD. They were running something about caves on Discovery HD Sunday night and I sat there like a drooling slack-jawed moron. OK, a worse one.

* If you have these, you should be shot dead where you stand. No trial, no appeal, nothing. If you seriously want this, you need to die.

* God Almighty, I’m in a sour mood considering where my teams are. May just be Tuesday. I could never get the hang of Tuesdays.

* Wow…good job I was on a long-term holding pattern with AAPL, huh? (bangs head on table)

* A word of advice to Tessa and Anna: “I may never get to see this in my entire life!” is no longer an operable excuse for staying up past your bedtime. Nevertheless, congratulations, and tell your folks you could go to bed a lot earlier without missing anything if you all came West.

* Where’s my coffee? I have to start the morning by swapping around three UPS units in the server room and I’m not doing that without some caffeine in the system.

* My Buddy Vince Sez that Bernie Mac just changed a tire on his Charger. He fully expects it to light up on fire like Ghost Rider now.


4 Replies to “Hanging Out Tuesday’s Wash”

  1. a) Also voted already – am a poll worker in a state in play! President only, of course. Mark Warner will have to slaughter a litter of kittens on live television to lose this election.
    2) I am 10000% with you on the Killers. I sat up and took note, and that was on a DVR’d watch of SNL, even, when we are known to SKIP to the end frequently. I’ve liked what I’ve heard before; I loved this and will seek it out for heavy rotation on the Classic.
    iii) It Never Gets Old. I was leaping about the living room praising Lowrie (who I actually saw play for Pawtucket in May – how the mighty have risen!) last night. My head is two inches from the keyboard this morning, which I consider impressive.

  2. Just waiting on my ballot to show up.
    I cannot not believe that someone took the vomit-inducing concept of “truck nutz” one step further. As you can imagine I have seen several pairs on the highways here.

  3. It’s remarkable what you’ll sit and watch in HD. They were running something about caves on Discovery HD Sunday night and I sat there like a drooling slack-jawed moron. OK, a worse one.
    The first night we got HD cable, we found there wasn’t much of a selection– about six channels. Since then, TW has added about eight times that, but that first night, we surfed around and settled on a Travel Channel show about fishing in England. It was possibly the most boring program ever, but we watched for about 15 minutes anyway, saying “my god, LOOK AT THE RIPPLES ON THE STREAM.”

  4. I’m a little disappointed that Liz totally ignored the whole “if you all came West” comment. 😉
    I’d also like to add that if you are a woman *dating* someone with brake light “nutz” for a vehicle, someone should host an intervention on your behalf and make it impossible for you to see your ex or anyone else with trucknutz (brake light or “regular”0 ever ever EVER again.

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