Mission Accomplished

So I passed the one test for the ACSP today – without taking the course at all. Got 86 out of 90. Now, in fairness, it’s kind of a nubs certification – it’s OS X Leopard only, no Server or anything off the workstation. But it’s a cert, and that’s a line on the resume that indicates that, in the opinion of Apple Computer, I’m competent to work on 10.5-based systems. Which will help matters considerably.

Now, if I can pass the OS X Server test? And get ACTC without taking the class? I. Am. BULLETPROOF.

Line of the day

Geoff Lloyd, on this incident involving Suggs and the Pet Shop Boys:

“Someone must have spiked one of Suggs’s drinks with maybe, like, eighteen other drinks.”


Say what you like about Howard Dean, but you can’t argue with the results: took back the House, took back the Senate, and so far, 3 for 3 in special elections, each one in a more conservative district than the last. Tuesday night, it was Mississippi-1st, a district Bush carried with 62% in 2004, a district that had a Republican incumbent previously, where the National Republican Congressional Committee dumped over a million dollars, where they ran ads tying the nominee to Obama, to Jeremiah Wright, to everything but Osama Bin Laden.

The Democrat won by 8%.

Now, Howard Dean didn’t make Bush as popular as herpes, or hang the economy around the GOP’s neck like an albatross, or stretch the Iraq war out to five years and counting. But because he stuck to his guns on the 50-state strategy, when all that happened, the mechanisms were in place to capitalize on them. And as a result, the GOP has dipped below 200 seats in the House for the first time since…well, it would have to be before 1994 at least.

When you can’t even win by playing the “crazy colored preacher hates America!” card in Mississippi, you are in what we political scientists refer to as “deep deep shit.” Alan Abramowitz (who interviewed me on my official visit at Emory back in the Triassic Era) has put together a 3-part test based on a matrix of GDP growth, net approval rating (approve minus disapprove), and whether the incumbent party has 8 or more consecutive years in control, and right now, his model predicts a 14-point margin of Democratic victory. Now obviously, there’s plenty of time for the economy (and the perception of same) to change, or for the approval rating ratio to improve, but whoever’s running things at the RNC will go to bed tonight puckered tight enough to crap diamonds.

emergency power only

So my laptop died Saturday afternoon. Serious big-time directory issues, to the point that I suspected hardware failure (attempts this morning suggest that is likely). I have a replacement drive but it is not a known good drive (in fact it dates to last August and I don’t know how long it was used before then). It had all better be down to the hard drive, though, because I’m in no shape to splash out on buying a new computer – in fact, if the laptop goes, I will resort to the iMac indefinitely (although restoring all that music will be a right royal PITA) and use the iPhone for all portable computing. Which will at least keep me from parking my ass on the couch and thumping away at the MacBook all evening every evening.
Oh yeah – saw Iron Man last night. It is as advertised. I believe it does for the entire superhero genre what Daniel Craig and Casino Royale did for Bond. I would gladly have turned around and walked right back into the theater for a second viewing.
Anyone have an Asus EEE? Running Linux? What do you think of it?


So as we all wait for the superdelegates to play out, it’s time to think a little more about why they are there. To do this, we have to go back in history a little bit and walk it through to the present day. I know we’ve been over this before, but it bears repeating, so if you’ll just step into that Dr. Pepper machine over there…yes, I know it’s bigger on the inside than the outside, that’s not the point…

(click the jump to depart!)

Continue reading “Endgame”

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

If this is true, then two conclusions are immediately possible:
1) Mark Penn is, hands-down, the Stupidest Fucking Person In All Of Human History.
2) HIllary Clinton, by virtue of employing Mark Penn high in her artillery, is completely unfit to run a Presidential administration.

After Clinton

One of the most irritating parts of the whole Democratic primary has been the chortling from the Republican side that the Democrats “have finally come around” on the matter of Hillary Clinton. As if sixteen years of bullshit is somehow vindicated by the exasperations of five months of primary trench warfare.

Listen up, and listen good: the reason the hardcore activist Democrats – the ones who turn out for primaries, the ones who organize caucuses, the beating heart of what political scientists call “the party-in-electorate” – cannot stand Hillary Clinton is twofold:

1) She was insufficiently anti-Republican;

2) In an attempt to grasp for the nomination, she embraced everything the Republicans attacked her with throughout the 90s and after.

Let’s be honest here: nobody who voted for the Iraq War was ever going to pass muster with the resolutely-antiwar Democratic core. John Edwards came closest, and he had to shovel coal hard and fast in the cause of economic populism to build any kind of following, and it was good for a poor third in Iowa. Hillary Clinton was still running her husband’s offense: triangulate, split the difference, and go along with the foe just enough to disarm the avenues of attack. And, as Joe Gibbs painfully learned, what worked like all hell in 1992 isn’t going to get the job done in 2008.

The Clinton offense works from a position of some strength. Even at the height of the Gingrich revolution, Bill Clinton was still President, and still had the power to make himself relevant (as he famously asserted). For the entire decade of the Noughts, the Democrats have basically been without power. They had some control of the Senate for a few months in 2001, but after September 11, they were never going to be anything resembling an opposition. They went along on the war, just as the Clinton offense dictates, in an attempt to take it off the table as an issue. But they got clubbed with it anyway, lost big, and spent four years basically irrelevant to the process. Even after barely regaining control of Congress, the Ds were hamstrung in the Senate by three roadblocks: a feckless majority leader, a minority party willing to shatter the record for filibusters, and a majority that hung on the single vote of the only Likud Senator. With no leverage and no bargaining power, the Democrats couldn’t possibly move the ball with the old Clinton techniques.

For the last seven years, the GOP has actively run over the Democrats like a tractor-trailer over a rooster. Dems have been consistently accused of being Al-Qaeda sympathizers, Sadaam apologists, feckless bong-watered granola-shaver hippie weaklings just dying for a chance to surrender to The Terrorists and submit to some sort of Islamic dictatorship. Hell, their 2004 Presidential candidate’s three Purple Hearts were famously derided as “band-aid injuries” by GOP convention delegates. As a result, a whole lot of Democrats got pissed off beyond recognition, and demanded a candidate for 2008 who would fight back, tooth and claw. And they almost immediately rejected Hillary Clinton as a palatable candidate, because at the critical moments, she hadn’t punched back.

The rest of the story tells itself. Despite her name recognition and early lead, she was outmaneuvered in Iowa – and once a viable “anyone but Hillary” candidate emerged, the activists flocked to him. Even still, she might have held on – but when Obama rattled off a dozen straight wins, she ultimately chose to go into Pennsylvania and embrace the very people and tactics that had been used so viciously against her husband and his administration. The image of Hillary Clinton sitting down with Richard Mellon Scaife – he whose money underwrote the anti-Clinton slime machine for a decade – created the impression that she’d sold her soul to the devil. Her embrace of the Karl Rove school of campaigning clenched it. To borrow Heinrich Böll’s phrase, once she partook of the Host of the Beast, there was no turning back.

If Team Hillary had bothered to work up a Plan B – if they’d plotted beyond Super Tuesday, if they’d made an effort to hit back in the Potomac, if they’d bothered to learn the rules in Texas so as not to lose the state days after the fact – maybe they wouldn’t have been forced into desperation in Pennsylvania. And if they’d been willing to take a chance on the high road, play it straight, keep beating the drum for experience and grinding out the hard work of governance, and stayed clear of buying into the GOP memes about secret Muslims and latte-drinkers and “real Americans”, maybe they could have closed the gap and kept superdelegates in play. As it is, she’s managed to piss off the kind of people who could have been her base, who should have been her base – and who definitely would have been her base, if she hadn’t taken the ball on February 5 and run 180 degrees the wrong way with it.

Ultimately, that’s what drove Democrats away from Hillary Clinton – not that she was inherently some sort of cloven-hooved bitch succubus, because they knew better than that. But she fumbled a sure thing – and in 2008, the one thing the Democrats can’t possibly risk is somebody who could screw up a sure thing. When you’re trying to avoid a plague outbreak, you can’t waste time supporting somebody who’s driving the monkey to the airport.

Hillary’s a great lady, one of the most formidable figures of the day. But that day’s over, and the faithful don’t have the patience to let her rage against the dying of the light any longer.

I swear, I will not post five times a day anymore.

Slim Just Left Town

It’s over. After everything that happened, after all the shit-slinging of the last two weeks, despite everything that came down the pike, Team Obama delivered the predicted crushing victory in North Carolina – and more impressively, are at this hour running less than 4% behind Team Clinton in Indiana, and that without any returns from Lake County (think Gary, Indiana – which should be an Obama stronghold for multiple reasons). The net result will be at least +3 delegates for Obama and an increase in the popular-vote lead by about 180K or so.

And that’s the end of it. Despite her best stand, despite the momentum from Pennsylvania, despite the return of the Rev. Wright and the first serious racial ad in North Carolina, despite shots of Crown and guns galore, Team HRC will end the day further behind Team BHO than when the day began. They are not closing the gap at all – they are falling further behind in delegates, in votes, in superdelegate commitments, and in fund-raising.

Bottom line: there is no way for Hillary Clinton to become the nominee without subverting the expressed will of the party-in-electorate.


ETA: make that +6 net for Obama and +217K votes. MSNBC is reporting that Team Clinton has cancelled all appearances tomorrow. And the head of the Republican party in Lake County has publicly avowed that there is no shady dealing going on; the calculation of over 11,000 absentee ballots has to be factored in and he has confidence in the results. Of course, he has to be uneasy that Democrat turnout beat GOP today by over 3-1; couple that with the fact that almost a quarter of Indiana R’s voted for somebody other than McCain, and you can’t get too sanguine about perhaps the most reliably stalwart GOP stronghold in the Middle West…