First impressions

Well, in accordance with traditional practice, this comes to you, gentle reader, from the Moto X itself. The keyboard is different but I’m learning my way around it. The 4.7″ screen is worth the upgrade in a subtle manner, much like how the iPhone 5 screen didn’t seem like a big deal until you went back to the 4. The swiping motion is difficult to get used to and the text recognition doesn’t seem as sharp, but I suppose that could just be comfort level.

A real battery test will come during the week, obviously. Tough to tell until you’ve had a full discharge and recharge cycle. So far so good, but not ridiculously different.

The speech recognition is something I’m starting to get used to. The Sun twist dictated with the speech recognition just so we can see what’s doing. (Okay, aside from mangling ‘this sentence was’ that’s right. I blame the Bowie playing overhead here in the pub.) It seems to pick up on the voice cue easily enough. Wondering whether somebody else could trigger it easily.

Camera seems good enough. Works great for Instagram. The wrist twist to start is very handy. I keep inadvertently touching the lens thinking it’s the dimple in back, though. We’ll see soon how the pictures look at full size.

The look is very nice. All black with the woven back. Very suggestive of classic cyberpunk at least in my own mind.

Anyway that’s the first cut. After a bit over 24 hours, I’m not dying to run back to an iPhone. That alone is a good sign for Android.