I Hate Everything, Friday edition

Things that are pissing me off today, in no particular order:


1) My 401K/IRA balance.  I’m going to be working until I’m 70.


2) The fact that my employer uses a service that charges you $10 to download your W2.


3) The fact that my employer – WHICH RUNS ITS OWN CREDIT UNION – has replaced the ATM in my building with one that charges $3 to withdraw (after having been free since I started).


4) My credit union in the old country has a UI for downloading your statements that looks like it was written by some hayseed with a Geocities account in 1995 and not changed since.


5) Mac OS X Lion was built for people who presumably were familiar with using iPhones and iPads but NEVER EVER TOUCHED A LAPTOP IN THEIR LIVES.


6) Getting rid of the damned accent popups when holding a key requires COMMAND LINE CHANGES AND LOGOUT.  What. The. Actual. Fuck.


7) Not only is Google intent on forcing you to use your real name on Google+, apparently you need a completely filled out profile for Google READER as well.  Why the hell do you need personally identifying information to use a fucking RSS READER?  Well, duh, so Google can keep sodomizing your privacy for their own profit.  That tiger went tiger.


8) I still have glee to spend money on watches, sunglasses and laptops for which I have absolutely no justification.


Too early for Maker’s Mark?

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