Third impressions

This time, I took the iPad to Washington. On the flights there and back, it gave us a couple of movies and a couple of TV episodes without missing a beat. It had all the reading material I needed. I turned on 4G for the first time and got faster speeds than the Verizon FIOS that our hosts have to the house. Battery life was always plentiful and performance was reliably amazing.

The two-year wait was worth it. This thing really is my new portable computer. I’ve pretty much completed the process of defining what goes on the iPhone and what on the iPad and paring down redundancies in media, and as a result I have a metric crap ton more music on the iPhone than I’ve had in ages. It’s easier to pull out of the bag and just go than any laptop, and the battery life is similarly impressive. The only thing I regret is that there’s not an easy way to just stick the thing in a jacket somehow. And even that might be surmountable with the right new piece of outerwear. Which you knew was inevitable somehow.

It’s the DynaBook. It’s the future. I’m glad I got there by 40.

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