More later

…and not about politics, either. But I will say this: one of the things I’m most looking forward to is a Democratic majority greater than 52 in the Senate, so that the new majority leader can expel Joe Lieberman (Likud-Connecticut) from the party.

There’s apparently a tradition inside the Beltway that states that nobody is more to be honored and respected than somebody who claims to be a member of one party while routinely taking a gigantic Deuce McAllister all over said party. If Holy Joe wants to go into the pages of the New York Times and heap endless slander on a party that put him on their Presidential ticket 8 years ago, I don’t really see why the Dem leadership shouldn’t put his ass on the street.

If you work for Coca-Cola, you ought not be taking out full-page ads about how unsatisfying the taste of Coke is.

Also, just for the record, if you’re one of the 4% that’s still voting for Ralph Nader in 2008, you are too stupid to live and should be put in a home rather than allowed to vote. I’m only going to say this one time this season: politics ain’t therapy.

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