Palin’s Small-Town Snobbery: Why it’s time to bury the myth of rural virtue – Reason Magazine:
The myth of rural virtue and urban vice is an old one in this country, and it persists no matter what the changes in the landscape. And whatever questions Palin may face in her debate with Biden, her paeans to small-town virtue aren’t likely to be among them.
Most Americans, it seems, can tolerate hearing of the superiority of the small town, as long as they don’t have to live in one. You wouldn’t know it from listening to country music stations, or to the governor of Alaska, but four out of every five Americans choose not to reside in rural areas…
Nicked from Reason magazine. I don’t know how it got to the point that all my content these days is coming from libertarians and paleoconservatives. Maybe I’m just getting old and cranky (Just? -ed.) or maybe it’s some sort of residual effect from eating so much Top Dog before games. (Who knew that the world’s number-one Objectivist hot dog stand would be in Berkeley?)
But yes. I have lived in small town rural America (population ~3300), and I have lived in the capital of the universe and the cradle of the future. For myself, I have made the call, and I’m more than happy with it.