This Is The Day

365 days ago, I padded downstairs to make coffee and watch the Rose Parade. As other people woke up from the party the night before, started putting together breakfast and generally recovering their senses, I watched a bunch of anthropomorphic M&Ms advertise themselves with a song that sounded vaguely familiar. I did some Googling and found it out was a song by The The.

Yeah, that’s right. My great inspiration for the year came from a chocolate commercial.

I don’t think it’s any secret that 2007 just sucked out loud. I told myself that day, “Are you better off than you were 12 months ago? If not, what are you going to do about it?”

I’m not all the way back yet. I’m out to resolve some things that have been out there in my life for a long, long time, and one of them is to recognize that there’s no quick fix for the things that are really important. So the comeback is not complete, but the trend is 180 degrees from where it was this time last year on the afternoon of December 31.

One thing I did manage was to write more than I had been. I thank you all for bearing with me, and dearly hope I can keep it up without the crutch of a Presidential election or without descending into utter solipsistic wankery. I promise to come up with more diverse amusements in 2009.

So…another 365?

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