
Any member of the United States Senate who voted to continue the F-22 fighter jet – a program the SecDef doesn’t want to continue, a program the Air Force doesn’t want to continue – should be barred from ever complaining about the deficit again, on pain of being clubbed to death with a crowbar on the National Mall.
Money spent on shiny explodey things counts just the same as any other money. Anybody who thinks different is too fucking stupid for anything more intellectually challenging than sports talk radio.

3 Replies to “Idiots”

  1. Believe me, this is all over the local news. Lockheed has already said that it would move production of other planes to the plant and it was unlikely that there’d be major job losses. I want to kick Saxby Chambliss right in the teeth. Just more of the usual hypocritical bullshit.

  2. Well, Saxby Chambliss has needed to eat shit and die in a fire for many years now. This is just one more log to throw on.
    I’ve said it many times, but it bears repeating: the only hope for conservatism in this country is the de-Confederatization of the GOP. Otherwise I stand by my prediction of shooting war before I’m dead.

  3. Fun facts:
    They should use Saxby Chambliss in substitution for frozen chickens when they do the engine-blade-vs.-debris testing. Anyone who would say what he said about Max Cleland to get elected should be mainlining Marietta I-75 smog through a straw.
    There is precisely one component onboard the F-22 that I designed during an internship for a DoD subcontractor in Norcross. I cannot say what it is (under penalty of law), but I can say that I paid a machinist a six pack of Busch and a pizza to make the prototype.
    We have to prioritize defense spending these days – for instance, all that F-22 money is far better spent building replacement Air Force refueling tankers. Preferrably in Mobile, Alabama. Go Airbus.

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