Resolutions for 2011

* To take better care of my teeth and my hair, as I am running perilously short of both. Seriously, I’m down to 21 naturally-occuring adult teeth as of January 31. It’s time to floss.

* To exercise beyond just letting the personal trainer torture me once a week. I need to run, I need to stretch, I need to do some weights and some mat work. I’m not getting any younger and it’s not too late to halt the decline, maybe.

* To cut down soda consumption – I’m going to be very serious about turning away everything but Coke Zero, even if I’m at In N Out or somewhere like it that doesn’t have any of my usual options. Iced tea, or (heavens above!) water.

* To make a better effort to find the free coffee on campus instead of just caving and going to Peet’s.

* To kick the white peppermint mocha addiction.

* This is a big one, maybe the biggest, because I haven’t made any real effort toward it that wasn’t tied in with trying to hide from dysfunctional relatives: I will unplug one night a week. When I say unplug, I mainly mean the laptop and the phone – the combination of uVerse and streaming Netflix means that the wife and I can finally catch up on movies, and I’m sure we will. I’m talking more about the endless refreshing of email, Twitter, Facebook, the RSS reader. In short, the only personal electronics or computational devices I will be allowed to operate will be my F3 phone (in case I need to run errands and have the wife reach me; it’s a different Google Voice number and is almost useless for anything but talking) and my new Kindle (with the wireless turned off; no cheating and browsing the web on it – reading only).

The problem is just picking a night. Mondays are out, as are Fridays and weekends. It should ideally be Tues-Wed-Thurs. Each has its own challenges – there are Vandy games on Tuesday and Wednesday that might require laptop streaming to view, the wife often babysits on Wednesdays so I’d be left to my own devices, and Thursdays are theology class – which is almost cheating because I’d be away from home and not online for a couple of hours anyway. I don’t want to do Thursday because I usually get home from that class and have to jump on Wikipedia immediately.

So Tuesday or Wednesday. Any suggestions? Anybody else want in on it?

One Reply to “Resolutions for 2011”

  1. I still think Mondays are ideal and shouldn’t be ruled out, but I know you want to be able to decompress from the first day of work in the workweek. My second choice is Tuesdays for the babysitting reasons mentioned above. But these are all for selfish reasons. =)

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