I can’t believe we’re even having this discussion

Joe Lieberman shouldn’t be chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs. Joe Lieberman shouldn’t be chairman of anything – hell, Joe Lieberman shouldn’t be allowed to go take a piss without a hall pass. When a Senator spends literally the entire Presidential campaign trashing the nominee of his party and actively campaigning for the candidate of the other party, the proper response is to eject him from the caucus so fast that the sonic boom breaks the windows.

The Democrats have over 50 seats in the Senate, but not close enough to 60 to make it worthwhile to keep him around. This isn’t some sort of wacky liberal vindictive spirit or creeping fascism, this is common fucking sense at its finest. If your backup left tackle spent the entire game on the other team’s bench, cheering them on and talking up your team’s weaknesses, you don’t give him a spot in the rotation – you kick him off the team and give his ass a proper Irish blanket party in the locker room on the way out.

When the new Congress convenes in January, Lieberman should be read out of the Democratic Caucus and his seniority should be dead last behind every single new freshman. In fact, he should have no committee assignments at all, of any kind. And if he wants to bolt to the Republicans, the response of the Dem leadership should be to try to make sure the doorknob sticks in his ass-crack on the way out.

So long, Flavius Josephus*. Buy the ticket, take the fucking ride.

* If you understand why I chose this particular slander, you are a bright cookie indeed and I will buy you a pint.

3 Replies to “I can’t believe we’re even having this discussion”

  1. Flavius Josephus – the dude who fought in the Jewish war against the Romans in the first century ACE, and who – upon finding himself trapped with his companions in a cave – suggested that they all commit suicide rather than surrender. They drew lots, every third person killing someone else, and only FJ survived, at which point he surrendered. He then threw in with the Romans. Lovely chap.
    And yes, Harry Reid, if you let JL keep his committee chairmanships, you are a piece of shit of the first water. WHAT THE HELL? How is this even up for discussion? Why is his ass not already kicked to the curb?

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