
Look, any pundit who seriously thought Mitt Romney had a prayer in Alabama and Mississippi is stealing money.  A Yankee Mormon whose conservative credentials are suspect and who basically created Obamacare: The Phantom Menace?  This is where I remind you that the Mormons are a cult, according to Southern Baptist doctrine.  Of course he finished third.  He’s lucky to have been that high up.

More interesting, though, is that Santorum lapped Gingrich to win both states.  This should be the death knell for Gingrich, although that will only come when his rich casino backer decides to stop stroking checks for him.  But apparently everyone is finally tired of the same old shit we’ve had for twenty years from the original Republican FIGJAM – and so, once and for all, the final Newtering is complete and Little Ricky Sweatervest has finally won through to claim the mantle of Anybody-But-Romney.  Which is interesting, because for a Pennsylvania Catholic he’s pretty much locked up the fever-swamp-South wing of the GOP…which, in 2012, basically means “the GOP outside Wall Street.”  Which means once again it’s all-in against the homos, the wetbacks, public education, and that slutty slut Sluticia S. O’Slutbag and her birth control pills.

I like Obama’s chances.  Never say never, and keep the passport topped up, but I have a hard time thinking that there’s a big population of undecided voters that will say “wait, pre-Vatican II Catholic social thought is EXACTLY what this country needs for me to get a job!”  A notional Santorum ticket will do GREAT in the Confederacy, but that’s not enough states to win anymore.  And as always, this time, the Union has the hydrogen bomb.

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