…from the sublime and spectacular Orson Swindle, at Every Day Should Be Saturday, the world’s greatest website:
“If/when the SEC [television sports -ed.] network happens in any form, the negotiations will likely consist of the words GIMMEH GIMMEH and sacks of cash and country ham being thrown over table in both directions excitedly. This describes most commercial deals of a large magnitude in the South, actually.”
I’ve participated in project negotiations that involved smoked meats and large amounts of cash.
Other negotiating points / occurrences:
– Karaoke, “House of the Rising Sun,” recorded on a camera phone
– Mechanical bullriding (hint: always request the supplemental padding)
– Hearing a donkey in the background of a conference call
– Scotch, baccarat, and a 3.5 hour turboprop ride at 6 am the next morning
– Midget wrestling (invite only – I have standards)
And people say I work in a boring industry.