ITEM! Ever wonder why the Federal government still requires certain states to pre-clear under the Voting Rights Act? Because it’s 2009 and they’re still segregating proms!
ITEM! Ever wonder why we have such a complicated process for amending the Constitution? Because if you allow for amendment by simple popular majority vote, a 52% share of 58% of the voting age population – in other words, less than a third of all people over age 18 – can make their own oogies the law of the land!
ITEM! Ever wonder if you really are the Angel of Death? Maybe, if every new job you take starts with a mass layoff of contractors!
What the hell is wrong with me that I knew all of this was going to happen and I still got up and out of bed at 6 AM? Aside from a massive sinus infection and a really bad attitude problem, that is. This is your notice that I am now actively Looking For Trouble, so if you are finding yourself short of an ass kicking, come on.