Well, it’s out…

…and the Droid looks like it might just punch equal weight with the iPhone 3GS, based on the features and demos seen today. But three things spring to mind:

1) We still don’t know what the battery life is like. I want to see that thing survive all day in the real world, speaking as somebody who routinely pummels an iPhone 3G to the tune of 6+ hours live use in a day (and that with virtually no actual voice usage).

2) We still don’t know what the data plans are like and whether Verizon can fight off the urge to squeak every last nickel out of its users. Still want to see how app sales, etc. play out.

And most important:

3) We don’t know how long it will take before Moto/Google pops out a GSM Droid so they can play in, oh, EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH besides South Korea. Verizon better have those exclusivity deals locked up for a while.

I don’t think Apple has anything to worry about here, although this will definitely light a fire under them (not to mention make me glad I’ve passed on the 3GS – whatever comes next will have to be even better now). But if I’m Palm, or Microsoft, I’m shitting myself right now. And RIM has to be FRISBEE pissed that on the day they release the Storm 2, all the oxygen in the room got sucked up by the Droid. I think the Blackberry has got to do some serious shaking up if they’re going to compete with Apple and Google in the consumer-smartphone space.

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