…I’d like to hear an argument against gay marriage that doesn’t boil down to “it’s against God” or “it’s icky.”
Except, you know, there isn’t one.
The reason we have a representative democracy, rather than a direct one, is because people are assholes. Anybody who says different is drunk on the milk of human kindness or else just not paying attention. And at some point, a higher authority – I’m thinking five or so people in DC – will have to make it abundantly clear that your rights under the law may not be curtailed by a 50% vote because some people think you are oogy.
And please, please, please spare me the sanctimonious retching about “states rights.” It’s amusing to me that states’ rights never come up when they want to go to the left of the national standard. When I hear “states’ rights”, my gun comes off safety all by itself.
Not surprisingly, I was involved in an e-mail exchange whose conclusion was “people are assholes.” Also not surprisingly, it was mostly focused on people from The Home State ™.
The only other argument I’ve ever heard was “well, what’s to prevent people from marrying animals?” This comes from people who, of course, do not understand the basic rule of law or, for that matter, common sense.
Common sense never got in the way ’round these parts.