An aside…

To all the GOPers talking up how they’re going to win big in 2010 and repeal the whole health care package: grow the fuck up. No, seriously, do some second grade math. Even if you could pick up a hundred-twelve seats in the House, there’s the little matter of the Senate. There aren’t 26 Democratic Senate seats open in 2010. So as long as Barack Obama is still President, nothing ain’t going nowhere, because it is not mathematically possible to get the 2/3 vote that would be needed to overturn a Presidential veto of any repeal bill.

I wish I could remember who said it, but elections have consequences. The Democratic majorities in Congress far outstrip any Republican majority during the “Contract with America” era, and Obama explicitly campaigned on doing something with health care reform. So to borrow from Merle Haggard – since the President came through the White House door and did what he said he’ll do, my advice to you is to enjoy the free Bubble-Up and eat the rainbow stew with a silver spoon underneath that sky of blue.

Nash Vegas, son, what.

ETA: Now I hear that John McCain is butt-sore: “There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year. They have poisoned the well in what they’ve done and how they’ve done it.” Wait, would this be an end to the cooperations that saw, um, no Republican votes for the health-care package? Or for the stimulus package last spring? Or are you thinking about the shattered record for filibusters, which is shattering a record set by the GOP in the last Congress?

Can U solve the puzzle?


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