* Bama may have something after all, if they can keep pressing people into mistakes.
* Vandy managed not to lose. Of course it was a bye week.
* The Redskins are in dreadful condition, cannot be considered a favorite in any game they have left this season, and will require major overhaul once the new CBA is hammered out (again, don’t count on NFL football in 2011 as a sure thing by any stretch).
* Cal played not to lose, hung on for 57 minutes, and then gave up one big play that broke their back. I don’t think the Bears could drop below 4 wins, and it’s always possible they will manage to rise to the occasion against UCLA or Washington or in the Big Game, but I wouldn’t want to bet on a winning season at this point. Riley is as good as he’s ever going to be as a quarterback, which is “not very”, and you can’t run Shane Vereen to death the entire season – which means the defense will get no rest.
I get the feeling this is God’s way of telling me to stop caring about football so much.