I’m not worried about Mitt Romney in 2012. You know why? Because he’s not going to be the GOP nominee. Why not? Follow the bouncing ball.
1) It is impossible to win the GOP nomination without the South.
2) The South is populated heavily by Southern Baptists.
3) It is the official position of the Southern Baptists that Mormons “don’t really know the God of the Bible.” Not to put to fine a point on it, the Mormons are considered a cult.
4) People who believe that an American-born Christian is actually secretly a foreign-born Muslim are statistically likely to believe that a self-professed Mormon is a follower of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
5) See 3, above.
6) Therefore, viz. the South: Mormons = cult, Mitt = Mormon, Mitt = self-professed cult follower and unfit for higher office. QED.
Don’t believe me? Why else would the GOP nominee for governor of Alabama turn down a Romney endorsement?