Alarm goes off, earlier than normal. Make sure everything is stuffed in the bag – it’s sure not packed as well as when you arrived three nights ago – get all the key stuff in your pockets. Hastily finish off the donuts and instant coffee you bought to keep from going out – and only get halfway through. Out the door and into the gray light of morning, whirring of the street sweeper, businesses closed and dark except for the drugstore across the corner (and, you’re sure, the Starbucks at the other side of the block). Hurry into the train station, that inexplicable smell of bread baking. Which train? Oh God not the one calling “All aboard” – phew, it’s the next one. Plunk down in your seats, look at each other, you made it.
Only this time, instead of London or Paris, it’s just San Francisco, and the Caltrain is taking you back to real life, Monday morning, team meeting at 8:30.
Still, a nice break, as such things go – and proof that all you need for travel is an iPhone and a signal.
I knew we weren’t in Paris because of all the English words heard around me. =) But yeah, for a moment there, I could almost imagine being in London. Only, if I were in London, I wouldn’t have all my S scattered in multiple bags, nor would I have to lug my bike around. Although, you know I would love to rent a bike next time I’m in London and ride around all the very big parks…